Home / Laboratory Tapes / Wide, Heavy Insulated Duo-Tape®, Medium Watt Density

Wide, Heavy Insulated Duo-Tape®, Medium Watt Density


Wide, Heavy Insulated Duo-Tape®, Medium Watt Density


    HTS/Amptek® Wide Heavy Tapes are extra width heating tapes. Fiberglass, medium watt density, Wide Heavy Tapes are for use to 900°F (482°C) AMOX™, high watt density, Wide heavy Tapes may operate to exposure temperatures of 1400°F (760°C). These Heavy Insulated Tapes use a multiple lap, side-by-side design, to provide a larger surface area where needed. All Wide Heavy Tapes may be used on metal conductive surfaces, as well as glass or ceramic. The serpentine element provides flexibility and durability. Power leads are on each end. The knitted construction, allows for flexibility and even distribution of heat and are available in 1-¼ inch to 2-½ inch widths and lengths from 2 feet to 10 feet. Wide Heavy Tapes are offered in two heat ranges and watt densities. Medium watt 8.67, or High, 13 watts per square inch of element, for the most aggressive heat response. Do not overlap this element.

    For an optional molded plug please select a '-MP' Model NO.